Kuş Uçuşu (Bird Flight) Season 3 Release Date
When will the 3rd season shooting of Kuş Uçuşu start? The 2nd season shooting of the bird flight was completed recently. When does the Season 3 shooting of Kuş Uçuşu start?
Following the completion of the 2nd season shots of the series, which is quite popular with the first season, the information began to come in the 3rd Season. So when will Kuş Uçuşu be published in the3rd season? Here are the details!
The first season and Netflix's most popular series Kuş Uçuşu (Bird Flight) began to come, but when the 2nd season of Kuş Uçuşu been published? What is the synopsis of Kuş Uçuşu series? Who is Birce Akalay? When will Kuş Uçuşu season 3 startt shooting? When will Kuş Uçuşu be published in season 3?
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The 2nd season of the bird flight series is eagerly awaited. Birce Akalay, İbrahim Çelikkol, Burak Yamantürk and Miray Daner, such as famous names such as Ay Yapım signed the series 2 season shots of the series was completed in recent days. After a short break, the team will start shooting season 3.
Starring Birce Akalay, Ibrahim Celikkol, Burak Yamanturk and Miray Daner, including famous names such as Ay Yapım signed the series 2 season shots recently completed. After a short break, the team rolled up his sleeves for the 3rd season. Koray Kerimoğlu directed by the series Melih Selçuk, Itır Esen, Zafer Ergin, Burak Sergen and Arif Pişkin also took part. Netflix’s most popular Turkish content, written bu Meriç Aceku, the "Bird flight" 3 season shooting is planned to start the 2nd week of March.
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