Episode 38 Esaret (Captivity) Trailer And Summary
Esaret (Captivity) 38th Episode released on Wednesday, January 11th. Watch Esaret 38th episode trailer and here is the summary on January 11th. "Nurşah has been kidnapped!"
Esaret 38th episode trailer has been released! What will happen in the 38th episode of Esaret? The slavery series continues with its new episodes. Esaret will air on Wednesday, January 11, with its 38th episode. What happened in the final episode of Esaret, what will happen in the new 38th episode of Esaret? Here are the trailers and the summary of the 38th episode of Esaret…
With Hira's eyes closed, Orhun will touch her heart... Here is what will happen on Thursday, January 11th in Esaret. Watch the trailers of the 38th episode of Esaret, which is one of the most loved and most followed series of Kanal 7 screens. Esaret series continues with its exciting episodes. Hira finally opened her eyes. But she insists on not opening!
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Image Via youtube.com @REDEMPTION |
Yakup Will Open Hira's Eyes! In the series of Esaret, revenge and chaos seem to be replaced by love. Hira is now fed up with the cruel world she lives in with all the bad people. He found himself constantly being dragged into the storm with no fault of his own. Yakup Will Open Hira's Eyes! Yakup Usta becomes Hira's first visitor. They talk next to Hira. Orhun states that it is complex. Let's say that Orhun will be more confused in the future..
Has Nurşah been kidnapped? Orhun will blow and roar again. If these events spill over to his sister, it will hurt him deeply. Therefore, mother and son will hurt Hira again. Here are 38th episode trailer and episode summary of Esaret (Captivity) ...
Esaret (Captivity) Episode 38 Trailer
A new daily series is coming from kanal 7! Esaret comes to the screen with its 38th episode on January 11th. The story of Orhun, who wants to avenge his brother, and Hira, who is a prisoner of his conscience, aired every weekday at 07 P.M. Read Also All Episode of Esaret (Captivity)
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