Episode 78 Esaret (Captivity) Trailer And Summary

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Esaret (Captivity) 78th Episode released on Wednesday, March 29th. Watch Esaret 78th episode trailer and here is the summary on March 29th. "Afife now has a grandson ....!"

Hello, Lovers of Esarete series. Heads are pretty confused. Does Orhun really have a son? Or is all this the bench that your aunt set up? Instead of hiding the facts, Orhun acts together with Hira. Esaret series continues with its new episodes. What happened in the end episode of Esaret, what will happen in the new episode of Esaret? Here are the trailer in the summary of the 78th episode of Esaret… 

Here is what will happen on Wednesday, March 29th in Esaret... Esaret 78 episodes, which is one of the most loved and followed series of Kanal 7 screens, are with you. A letter and a photo of a child coming out of it in the series… Is this curly sweet-eyed boy really Orhun's son? Orhun, who finds even Hira's past in the desert, probably won't fall into the trap set for him.

episode 78 esaret
Image Via youtube.com @REDEMPTION

Let's see what will come out of the DNA result? Orhun's soul has already boiled over to Ali. Hira is with Orhun in this situation. Orhun did not dare to act alone and took Hira with him. If Ali entered the series, it means he will stay in the mansion for a while. While Afife prevents Hira from having a child, a grown grandchild falls from the sky. While Afife and Eda will be upset by this situation, it is obvious that Hira will be the closest to the child in this cold and gloomy mansion. 

Karamel making loves to use child characters to bring couples closer together. Therefore, Ali will enter the mansion whether he is Orhun's child or not. Here are 78th episode trailer and episode summary of Esaret (Captivity) ... 

Esaret (Captivity) Episode 78 Trailer  

A new daily series is coming from kanal 7! Esaret comes to the screen with its 78th episode on March 29. The story of Orhun, who wants to avenge his brother, and Hira, who is a prisoner of his conscience, aired every weekday at 07 P.M. Read Also All Episode of Esaret (Captivity)

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