Episode 82 Esaret (Captivity) Trailer And Summary

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Esaret (Captivity) 82nd Episode released on Tuesday, April 4th. Watch Esaret 82nd episode trailer and here is the summary on April 4th. "Hira Will Challenge Afife ....!"

Afife is now gone in the series of Esaret! There is no compassion or interest in Ali... Hira has a hard time communicating with Ali. What do you think will be the first word that comes out of Ali's mouth? Esaret 82nd episode trailer has been released! What will happen in the 82nd episode of Esaret? The slavery series continues with its new episodes. Esaret will air on Tuesday, April 4, with its 82nd episode. What happened in the end episode of Esaret, what will happen in the new episode of the captivity? Here are the trailer in the summary of the 82nd episode of Esaret… 

Here is what will happen on Tuesday, April 4, in Esaret... The new 82nd episodes of Esaret, which is one of the most loved and followed series of Kanal 7 screens, are with you. In the TV series Esaret, Hira has taken care of Ali under her wing. Just like Nihan, that is, Ali's mother, she is now approaching Ali with the same devotion. Orhun does not hesitate to compliment Hira at every opportunity.

esaret episode 82

We said at the beginning that it would be problematic for Ali to get used to this environment. But this is not from Ali. The behavior of the people at home is quite tense. Eda never stops playing Hira in public. While trying to disgrace Hira, he is disgraced himself. Afife continues to be very callous and unfeeling. His dead daughter's son is out. A person would embrace Ali even if it was just to relieve his pain. The child is quiet and withdrawn. He even sees the vase as more valuable than the child. What a ridiculous character. Even Hira couldn't stand it! May it continue like this and surprise both us and the people in the mansion!

Afife's main concern is that her deceptions will come out and she is afraid of the reaction that will come from Orhun. Afife may even have separated Nihan from her husband. May Nurşah return and reunite with her only niece. Communication between him and Ali will be very good. The love of Meryem and Kenan is very insipid. Something is missing in this relationship. I guess they're not excited. Even the inclusion of Wonder doesn't affect it much. Because while Meryem lives everything inside her, even this jealousy lives inside her.

Esaret (Captivity) Episode 82 Trailer 

A new daily series is coming from kanal 7! Esaret comes to the screen with its 82th episode on April 4th. The story of Orhun, who wants to avenge his brother, and Hira, who is a prisoner of his conscience, aired every weekday at 07 P.M. Read Also All Episode of Esaret (Captivity)

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