Sandık Kokusu (Smell of Chest) Synopsis And Cast: Turkish Drama
When does Sandık Kokusu (Smell of Chest) start? Is there tonight? Where is the filming location? Who are the actors actresses of Sandık Kokusu TV series and what is the synopsis about?
Details about the new series Sandık Kokusu, the trailer of which has been published by Show TV, are being investigated. Sandık Kokusu will start its television adventure very soon. Which actors are in the new series Sandık Kokusu and what is it about? On which day and at what time is the first episode of Sandık Kokusu?
Successful names came together in Show TV's eagerly awaited series Sandık Kokusu. 3 new trailers from Sandık Kokusu were given. We have compiled for you the things you want to know about the series, which includes the famous actress Demet Akbağ and is expected to appear before the audience with its strong cast and synopsis.
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Synopsis of Sandık Kokusu (Smell of Chest)
Sandık Kokusu will focus on the story of Karsu, a mother of three children, coming from Adana to Istanbul after a great trauma and her story of holding on to life again. It will keep the audience glued to the screen with the heart-touching story of her family's lives changing with the great loss, of being a mother, of not losing hope, and of holding on to life despite everything.
All Episode of Sandık Kokusu (Smell of Chest)
Sandık Kokusu series attracts attention with its actors and subject. Sandık Kokusu series will soon start its screen adventure on Show TV. Sandık Kokusu series is getting ready to hit the screens. The script of the series, directed by Nezaket Coşkun, is written by Melis Civelek and Zeynep Gür. The new series will soon meet the audience on Show TV screens. Sandık Kokusu is counting the days for the screen. The series, whose shooting started in Adana, continues in Istanbul.
Sandık Kokusu Release Date
"Sandık Kokusu", written by Melis Civelek and Zeynep Gür and directed by Nezaket Coşkun, starts on Wednesday, December 6, at 20.00 on Show TV.
Trailer of Sandık Kokusu (Smell of Chest)
Cast of Sandık Kokusu (Smell of Chest)
Among the eagerly awaited Sandık Kokusu actors, there are names such as Özge Özpirinçci, Metin Akdülger, Demet Akbağ, Necip Memilli, as well as Kayhan Açıkgöz, Ergun Kuyucu, Şahin Sancak, Seda Türkmen, Levent Can.
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